Your Headhunter for the Position Head of Production

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In a world where the tireless pursuit of efficiency and innovation drives eternal progress, Industry 4.0 manufacturing leaders are becoming dominant figures, harnessing the immense power of IoT, AI, robotics and data analytics to orchestrate the symphony of digital and automated manufacturing, masterfully optimising productivity, reducing costs and elevating product quality to unprecedented levels. By fostering collaboration between multidisciplinary teams, they ensure seamless integration of intelligent manufacturing systems and drive continuous improvement. They are also responsible for developing and implementing strategic plans to drive innovation and remain competitive in a rapidly evolving market.

BENOMIK excels in the realm of Industry 4.0, boasting a diverse array of professionals, including accomplished heads of production. Our vast network of experts empowers us to tackle staffing challenges with remarkable efficiency. Utilising a comprehensive, multi-channel approach, we ensure extensive coverage and swift delivery of staffing solutions.

What role are Heads of Production often confused with in the industry 4.0? 

The role of heads of production is often confused with that of a Plant Manager or Operations Manager. While there is considerable overlap between these roles in terms of responsibilities, they specifically focus on leveraging advanced technologies and digital integration in the manufacturing process, while Plant and Operations Managers may have a broader scope of management duties within the production facility.

Moreover, heads of production emphasises the strategic planning and implementation of Industry 4.0 principles, such as smart manufacturing, digital transformation, and data-driven decision-making. In contrast, Plant and Operations Managers may be more concerned with daily operations, personnel management, safety, and budgeting, in addition to incorporating new technologies and processes.

As Industry 4.0 continues to evolve, the distinctions between these roles may become more fluid. It is essential for organisations to clearly define the responsibilities and expectations for each position, ensuring that the unique aspects of Industry 4.0 are effectively managed and integrated into the production process. This will enable companies to successfully navigate the challenges and opportunities presented by this new era of manufacturing.

What are some common challenges that Heads of Production face in industry 4.0?

While the position of the heads of production is truly an exciting one, it also comes with a series of challenges, these professionals have to master:

Technological integration: Implementing and integrating new technologies like IoT, AI, robotics, and data analytics into existing manufacturing processes can be complex and resource-intensive, requiring careful planning and execution.

Skilled workforce: Attracting, retaining, and training a skilled workforce with the necessary expertise in advanced technologies and Industry 4.0 principles is a significant challenge.

Change management: Effectively managing the cultural and organisational changes that come with Industry 4.0 adoption, including fostering a mindset of innovation and continuous improvement, can be difficult.

Data security and privacy: As Industry 4.0 relies heavily on data collection and analysis, ensuring the security and privacy of sensitive data is a critical concern that must be addressed.

Maintaining a competitive edge: Rapid technological advancements and increasing competition require heads of production to stay up-to-date with industry trends and innovations, continuously adapting to maintain a competitive advantage.

Scalability and flexibility: Designing and implementing scalable and flexible production systems that can efficiently handle changes in demand or product requirements is a considerable challenge.

Supply chain management: Optimising and managing complex, interconnected supply chains in a digitally connected environment can be challenging, especially with the added pressure of ensuring on-time delivery and quality control.

Regulatory compliance: Staying compliant with evolving industry standards, regulations, and environmental policies is an ongoing challenge for heads of production in Industry 4.0.

Managing costs: Balancing the costs associated with adopting and maintaining advanced technologies, as well as hiring and training skilled personnel, with the need to reduce production costs and maintain profitability is a crucial concern.

Ensuring product quality: heads of production must ensure that the adoption of new technologies and processes does not compromise product quality, which requires rigorous quality control and monitoring systems.

Are you in search of proficient heads of production who are able to bring that value to your organisation? At BENOMIK, we understand the dynamic landscape of the industrial sector. Our dedication to providing unparalleled recruitment services aids our clients in maintaining their competitive edge. We concentrate on pairing your enterprise with elite heads of quality and the foremost experts in the field.


3 reasons to work with us

Expertise & Network

Our recruiting teams fill positions in areas in which they are experts and are part of the industry / community.
Huge active network and over 770.000 contacts in our database


85% of the presented candidates are invited by the client for an interview.
Ø 4 candidates until successful filling of the position.

Digital Search Process

Multi-Channel: We also find "hidden candidates" through our complete, cross-channel screening of the entire market.
We know the important trends and use and develop the best tools and processes.


First interviews with the customer within 30 days.
Successful casting on average after 89 days.

Excellent Service

We are service-oriented and take the work of recruiting off your shoulders and let you concentrate on your core business.
We are flexible, understand your expectations and implement them so that we can achieve success together.


Weekly Jour Fixe (status update based on KPIs, candidate presentation, feedback and market observations).

Detailed evaluation after multi-level assessment (confidential report).

What our partners have to say

John Doe
Andrea Nitschmann
HR Business Partner at Adolf Würth GmbH & Co. KG

The recruiters at BENOMIK support and accompany us throughout the entire recruiting process very competently, quickly and professionally. The presentation and quality of the profiles as well as the regular jour fixe appointments enable an efficient candidate selection. However, not only professionally, but also in terms of our corporate culture, BENOMIK succeeds in generating perfect matches.

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